A joystick cartridge is a cylindrical piece in the center of a faucet that regulates water flow and temperature. It consists of a pair of disks that overlap each other - the bottom disk stays fixed while the top disk rotates when the handle is operated.
A joystick cartridge is a cylindrical piece in the center of a faucet that regulates water flow and temperature. It consists of a pair of disks that overlap each other - the bottom disk stays fixed while the top disk rotates when the handle is operated.
Everyone has experienced a leaky joystick cartridge at home at some point in their lives. This is a very annoying problem, and many people tend to put it off until it's too late. However, if ignored for too long, leaks have the potential to wreak havoc on your family and finances.
Replacing the joystick cartridge is the most effective way to repair a leaking faucet. It's actually a very simple DIY job that anyone can do, no matter what experience you have, and the earlier you start, the less water and money you'll waste.
Lujiaoshan Fan, Xiachen, Chunhu, Fenghua, Ningbo